Friday, October 26, 2018


 I scrolled past this meme about fifteen times before actually deciding to do this experiment but being that it's spooky season and all, I figured why not fuck around and almost die doing this diet myself!  I did the math and the actual amount of calories ends up being around 800 per day. Here's how it went.

Day One: 
  • Breakfast: I slept in until 12pm and totally skipped this. Whoops! 

  • Lunch: Being that I skipped out on breakfast and slept so late I didn't actually do lunch until about 3:30pm, so basically when most people over the age of 60 sit down for dinner.  The eggs were okay but overall pretty boring considering that they were plain. The black coffee actually wasn't terrible! Maybe I'm a psychopath or maybe I'm just really that addicted to caffeine. Who Knows. I opted out of the wine because unlike skinny bitches in the 70's, I actually had things to do during the day that unfortunately couldn't include day drinking. 

  •  Dinner:  Let me just start by saying that I've become quite the lightweight over the last few years. That being said I finished my bottle of wine for dinner and was too wasted to eat anything, let alone stay awake.

Day Two:

  • Breakfast:  I'm pretty sure the whole idea of this diet is just to get so drunk throughout the day that you don't want to eat and then wake up so hungover that you don't want to eat. I definitely felt some type of way when I woke up after drinking a bottle of wine the night before on basically an empty stomach. The one egg helped to bring me back to life but the black coffee was getting old fast. I wasn't feeling my best but I had lost two pounds overnight. 

  • Lunch: Is it just me or are eggs pretty much the most boring food ever.

  • Dinner: I'm starving and wasted. Please help

Day Three:

  • Morning: I am so over this diet it's unreal. Surprisingly I woke up without a hangover but unfortunately was still basically starving. However, I did lose another pound so overall a win.

  • Lunch: Okay this diet isn't cute anymore and I want a burrito. I officially ran out of eggs and am just living off of wine. Some people might qualify this diet as the gateway to alcoholism.

  • Dinner: This is the first night that I've actually been sober enough to eat. I substituted the steak for salmon because I don't eat meat but made up for the calories with (you guessed it!) MORE WINE...

   In conclusion, I've been drunk for three days and I never want to eat another egg in my life. If it's possible I think I may have od'd on eggs. I'll also be taking a break from drinking wine. LOL, who am I kidding I'll probably have another glass in like an hour. I lost a total of four pounds on this crazy ass diet but I think it's important to know that I also worked out every day. I don't recommend this diet to anyone that actually enjoys a healthy lifestyle but if you're cool with starving yourself for a few days to fit into your slutty Halloween costume then this is totally for you!