Wednesday, May 27, 2020

How to Organize Your Life in Six Simple Steps

     1. Plan Your Day the Night Before

Planning your day the night before will help you stay focused on important tasks and keep you on track. Something as simple as setting out your clothes the night before will cut down the amount of time you spend on your morning routine and start your day out on the right foot. I personally make a to-do list every night for the following day with every little thing the next day will entail. This helps to structure my day and to make sure nothing gets left undone or forgotten.

2. Declutter your space

Nothing is less motivating than a messy house or workspace. Get organized by throwing out or donating unwanted items and putting away things that you want to keep. Spruce up your space with a candle or a colorful plant. Having a positive and organized space will help you to get more done and feel more relaxed.

     3. Give Anything and Everything a Home

Now that you have decluttered your space and gotten rid of unnecessary items, it’s time to give anything and everything a home. We’ve all been there, you are ready to cross an annoying task off your list but can’t find any of the paperwork or items you need to complete it. This only furthers your annoyance and makes you put the task off even longer. I find that having a home for everything from important documents to something as small as batteries helps me to navigate tasks quickly and get them out of the way. Organizing tools such as filing systems and drawer spacers are a great way to get started.

      4. Start Saving

If you haven’t already, start saving. Even if you’re not sure what exactly it is your saving for, I promise you there will come a time when you will thank yourself for having a savings account. For some of us, this may seem like an impossible task with smaller incomes or student loans but even setting aside a dollar a day or even less will add up over time. You are never too young to start saving, the sooner you start, the better.

      5. Set Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly Goals.

When setting goals for ourselves it can be easy to get overwhelmed. Setting smaller goals to help you achieve the larger ones will help you get to the big picture faster. Breaking down your goals will help you to design your to-do lists and make you feel more accomplished while working towards them.

      6. Stick to a routine

The amount of structure you maintain will directly impact how organized your life will be. If you never know when to do things it can become very easy to procrastinate. Now I’m not saying you have to plan every single detail of your life, but having certain times of the day set aside for your most important tasks will keep you focused. Starting and ending your day the same way is a great way to get a routine started and then you can start to work in specific times for specific tasks.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Six Ways to Reduce Anxiety

1.  Use Essential Oils

Essential oil diffusers are not only a great addition to your room décor but also a great way to help with anxiety as well.  Diffusing scents like lemon and lavender can help to relax you throughout the day or before bed. You can also buy roll on oils to stay smelling fresh and stay relaxed on the go.

2.  Spend Extra Time with Your Pets

It’ no secret that our pets are amazing, but did you know that they can also help with anxiety? Researchers from Washing State University found that petting an animal can reduce your stress in just ten minutes. Your pet will love the extra attention and you’ll walk away from your cuddle sesh feeling lighter than air.

3.  Eat a Well-Balanced Diet

I’m not saying that if you go on a juice cleanse you’ll suddenly be anxiety-free (it might actually make you crazy) but if you find yourself eating junk food more often than not it could be a contributor to your anxiety. Studies have shown that what we eat is directly related to our emotions. If you’re overeating unhealthy foods or depriving yourself to look thin you could be wreaking havoc on your mental health.

4.   Get Outdoors

Spending time outside and in nature have been shown to help decrease levels of depression and anxiety. Even if it’s just a short walk in your neighborhood, some fresh air will do you good. With spring being right around the corner, now is the time to put this tip to the test.

5.  Exercise

Regular exercise isn’t just important for your waistline, it can help you feel better mentally too. We all know from watching Legally Blonde that exercise releases endorphins and endorphins make you happy. All kidding aside, regular exercise can help to keep you healthy both physically and mentally. So if you needed yet another reason to go to the gym, here ya go.

6.   Stay Hydrated

Anxiety has been linked as one of the main symptoms of dehydration. Drinking enough water throughout the day will help with your skin, cravings, and you guessed it, your anxiety. Skip the tea or coffee and fill up your water bottle.  Drink! Drink! Drink!

Five Ways to Motivate Yourself to Workout

With the obesity epidemic on the rise, it is more important than ever to stay active. Since 1996 the obesity rate in America has risen from 17% to 30%. Basically, what that means is that one in three Americans are obese. To get you started here are some ways to make staying active a little bit easier!

1.      Join a Fitness Class

  A fitness class is a great option for anyone that doesn’t know where to start or doesn’t want to plan their workout. We’ve all been there… you swiped through Pinterest for an hour looking for the workout that’s going to totally change your life overnight and eventually ended up eating cheese fries. A fitness class can save you from scrolling because all you have to do is show up and follow your instructor.  Most universities offer fitness classes free of charge to students and it’s also a great way to make friends on campus. If you already love working out, a fitness class can help you learn some new exercises to mix up your current routine.

2.      Buy Stuff

Okay so I’m not trying to encourage retail therapy but sometimes it works! If buying new leggings or a new water bottle gets you excited to workout then go for it. Your wallet may suffer but your health won’t. What’s really more important here right?

3.      Hire a Personal Trainer

Hiring a personal trainer is a great option if you’ve never worked out before or if your fitness goals intimidate that crap out of you. Going to the gym on campus can feel kind of scary, especially when everyone seems like they know exactly what they’re doing. A trainer will help you to relax and explain exactly how to perform each exercise. Not only will your workouts be personally tailored for you, but you will also be less likely to injure yourself with poor form. Most universities offer personal training for a much cheaper cost than any independent or chain gym would. If this is something you are considering it is best to do it as a student when the cost is lower.

4.      Make a playlist

Having a kickass playlist is the first (and most important) step to achieving a great workout. Rather than shuffling through songs when you get to the gym, make one ahead of time. This will get you pumped to work out and keep your endurance and energy levels high once you get moving. Don’t feel like making your own? No problem! Most streaming apps have workout playlists already downloaded for your listening needs.

5.      Find a Workout Buddy

Having a friend to go to the gym with you will work wonders on your motivation. You will not only have more confidence when you get there, but you will also have way more fun than going alone. You can keep each other accountable and spend some quality BFF time as well. 

Friday, November 29, 2019

10 Tips for Vegan Newbies

1.    You May Need to go to More Than One Grocery Store.

 When I first started out on a vegan diet, I automatically assumed that anything that wasn’t from Whole Foods wasn’t vegan. After spending wayyyy too much money on groceries for a few weeks I finally realized that most grocery stores actually have a good variety of vegan options. I typically buy staple items such as rice, pasta, and produce at a cheaper store like Walmart or Wegmans and go to Whole Foods for all of my vegan cheeses, pizza, or any pre made food I may like. Believe it or not Walmart tends to have more dairy free ice cream options than Whole Foods. Grocery shopping is already the absolute worst and it’s totally a drag to go to two different grocery stores, but this method saves me roughly $100 a trip.

2.    Watch Out for Soy

Just because it's vegan doesn’t mean it’s healthy. Check your ingredients to make sure you’re not exceeding your soy intake. Soy is put into a lot of vegan alternatives and has been linked to health problems such as breast cancer and infertility. Going vegan is supposed to help your health, not hurt it, so make sure you're still paying attention to food labels. It’s also important to note that not everything that isn’t advertised as vegan is off limits. A lot of snacks like Triscuits and most hummus and oatmeal are vegan friendly.

3.    Vegan Cheese is Your Friend

Before I went vegan I used to think it would be impossible because of how much I love cheese, so finding vegan cheese alternatives saved my life. However, I will warn you, not all plant-based cheeses are that great. My favorite brands are Daiya and Whole Foods 365 for sliced and shredded cheeses. For pizzas, I usually go with Amy’s or American Flatbread. Finding a plant-based cheese (and butter) that I actually liked was key to transitioning into a vegan diet. These items make it easy to prepare meals the same way I have in the past.

4.    You May or May Not Lose Weight

It depends on what your diet was like prior to going plant-based. I personally did not lose weight when I changed my diet but I was already a pescatarian and only had to cut out dairy and seafood. If you’re currently a meat eater and go cold turkey you will most likely experience a smaller waistline, along with a number of other health benefits.

5.    Your Workouts Will Be Even More Beneficial

Most people worry about losing muscle mass when cutting out traditional protein sources, but this is very rarely the case. As long as you’re still implementing the right amount of protein throughout your plant-based diet you may actually find that you gain more muscle from your workouts. I personally have felt stronger since going vegan and have found that I have more endurance during my workouts.

6.    Take a Multivitamin If Needed

If you find that you have a hard time hitting all of your nutrient goals, take a daily multivitamin. It’s not unusual for vegans (and vegetarians) to be low in iron and B12, two vital nutrients for energy levels. A multivitamin can keep your levels normal and your energy high.

7.    You’ll Need to Plan Ahead for Dining Out

Thankfully most metropolitan areas have introduced quite a lot of vegan restaurants but if you’re going out somewhere less populated it's helpful to look up the menu beforehand. It can be confusing to try to find options last minute when dining out with friends and family. Planning ahead can take that stress away or help you decide if you’d rather pick a different place. Luckily most chains and restaurants are catching on to the amount of people changing their diet and are offering plant-based eaters more options than just a salad.

8.     People Will Be Really Fricking Annoying

Regardless of the fact that I do not try to force plant-based living onto others, I can’t tell you how many people have teased me or asked endless questions about my diet. Even after answering all their questions with credible answers I still get disapproving looks and comments. If anyone really won’t let it go just ask them this “how does MY diet affect YOU?” … The bottom line is that it doesn’t. Changing to a plant-based lifestyle is something to be proud of and you shouldn't let the opinions of others change your mind. You’re creating positive change for animal rights, our environment, and your own health.

9.     Holidays Will Be Tough but With the Right Planning, You’ll Survive.

I’ll be honest and say that I have been craving hot cocoa, brownies, and all of the other yummy treats that come along with the holiday season. This is my first year being vegan and at first, I was pretty put out. Thankfully I found a number of equally tasty plant-based treats on Pinterest. Finding substitutes for the holidays will keep your holidays merry and bright all season long.

10. Don’t Beat Yourself Up If You Make a Mistake

This is by far the most important one on this list. In reality Veganism is overall an extreme diet and you won’t perfect it overnight. If you’re trying your best but you accidentally eat something with dairy don’t beat yourself up. It can be hard at first to figure out what is right and wrong to eat. It’s better to be imperfectly making positive changes than to not be making them at all.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

7 Things to Start Doing in Your Early 20's

1.     Start a Skincare Routine

I’m sure you’ve been told this before but the more you take care of your skin now the less likely you are to look like a leather handbag when you’re older. Figure out your skin type and look for products that work best for you. It’s important to take care of your skin in both the morning and at night before bed. Don’t know where to start? Head to your dermatologist or any qualified aesthetician to get advice and product recommendations. Speaking of the dermatologist…you should be getting your skin checked once a year. I know it’s awkward to have your whole body checked for weird moles by a stranger, but it could prevent skin cancer or at least help discover it before it becomes a bigger problem. Last but not least if you don’t already wear sunscreen on your face everyday rain or shine, I’m going to virtually slap you!

2.     Start Saving Money

 If you’re like me your initial thought about saving money means that you have to have money to save money. FALSE! Even if you’re a broke bitch like myself you can still save money! Start putting 50 cents in a jar every day and you will save on average fifteen dollars a month and $180 a year. If you do already have a decent income, start a savings account with your bank. Most banks can help you set up an automatic monthly transfer to your savings of the dollar amount of your choosing. Whether you end up using this money to buy a house or car or even just for an emergency, your future will thank you.

3.     Get Rid of Toxic People

Let me guess, a name came to mind when you read this one.
I know it can seem impossible to cut ties with a boyfriend, a best friend, or sometimes even a family member but if this person is constantly bringing you down or giving you anxiety it’s time to let go. Turn on Frozen, light a candle, do a face mask and let that shit gooooo. All kidding aside try to reach out and let this person know how you feel and if things still don’t improve it could be time to say goodbye. The best way to do this is to keep yourself distracted. Call your mom or a friend, turn your phone on do not disturb, journal about it, workout, anything you can think of to take your mind off reaching back out to this person. If it’s a family member or someone unavoidable try to limit interaction and when you do see them kill them with kindness. Toxic people usually act this way to get a reaction, don’t stoop to their level.

4.     Find a Fitness Routine That Works for You

I’m not saying that you need to live in the gym and work out every day but it’s time to start paying attention to your nutritional and activity habits. Eating healthy and staying active doesn’t just help your physique, it helps you age better and live longer. A realistic approach is to make five to six days out of the week healthy eating days and to find an activity you enjoy. Even just taking a 30-minute walk or riding your bike every other day is a step in the right direction. Stop looking at food and fitness as a way to “get thin” and realize that your health is a direct reflection of the choices you’re making.

5.     Stop Smoking or Vaping

It’s 2019, there is no reason for you to still be smoking cigarettes. You are not going to look cool or resolve your anxiety (you’ll actually make it worse) you’re going to give yourself wrinkles, yellow teeth, and cancer. Same goes for vaping, you may not get the yellow teeth, but you will put yourself at risk for many cancers. If you haven’t watched the news lately, vaping is putting kids as young as fourteen in the hospital with collapsed lungs, etc. I personally smoked cigarettes for two years when I was younger and know how hard it is to quit. You’re having drinks with friends and someone asks you to go outside to smoke and it’s so hard to say no. I get it, but it’s necessary. If your looks and health aren’t enough to make you quit, then think of what you're doing to our environment. Stop putting pollutants out into our air and your lungs.

6.     Start Going to The Gynecologist

I’m well aware that this is like every girls least favorite doctor visit but believe me it is a necessary evil. You need to start making an annual appointment once you become sexually active to make sure you are staying healthy. Your gynecologist can help you find a suitable birth control and give you advice on everything from good hygiene practices to safe sex. You don’t want an STD or unwanted pregnancy to rain on your parade. I don’t care what any guy says or how much you love him, there is NEVER an excuse to not practice safe sex. (That goes for same-sex couples too!) Your gyno can also make sure you’re not at risk for certain cancers as well, making this the most important doctor's appointment on your list.

7.     Start Building Your Resume

Even if you’ve only done volunteer work or have only ever had a summer job, start building your resume. If you already have a few jobs and internships under your belt, then type it out in the correct format and have someone you trust to revise it. This could be anyone from a former professor or your best friend who already landed their dream job. If you’re still working on it, start looking for opportunities that you think would be a good addition to your resume. Talk to a college advisor or someone in the field you want to work in to find out what kind of internships, etc. you should be looking out for. These experiences will not only lay the groundwork for submitting an amazing resume and getting the job but will also make you feel more comfortable once you’re there.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Five Reasons You're Not Losing Weight

 1.  You’re Drinking Too Much Alcohol

            I know this one is a hard pill to swallow because we all love to have our fun but if you’re going out every weekend for drinks it could be sabotaging your fitness goals. This was the hardest habit for me to quit in order to achieve the results I wanted. During my freshman and sophomore year of college, I was somewhat of a party animal, and even though I worked out and ate healthy meals I was gaining weight! Looking back the reasons for this should have been kind of obvious but I really didn’t understand why this was happening until I stopped drinking and started seeing results like never before. Now I’m not saying that you can never drink again because that honestly sounds horrific, but I am saying to cut back. Try to limit the number of times you go out a week and when you do go out trade your usual sugary mixed drink for a vodka and water with lemon. It tastes better than it sounds, I promise. This drink is on the stronger side, meaning you will probably order fewer rounds than usual. Your wallet and waistline will be incredibly thankful.  

 2.  You’re Eating the Right Things but Your Serving Size Is All Wrong

     If you’re crushing your workouts and eating healthy but you still don’t see a change than you could be eating portions that are too big. Learning to read serving sizes and stick to them can make all the difference for weight loss. It’s very easy to think that because what you are eating is healthy you can have a little more but even the healthiest foods should be measured out to avoid overeating.

3.  You’re Not Giving It Your All In Your Workouts
            We’ve all been guilty of spending more time at the gym talking to our friends or taking mirror selfies but If this is a constant habit of yours its time to quit! The same thing goes for limiting your workouts to 20 minutes or less. I know working out can be grueling at times but focus on how good you will feel once you're done. Nothing will beat the feeling of accomplishing your goals, and then you can take all the mirror selfies you want to show off your results. That being said, if your feeling under the weather or having a really off day but you still got in a 20-minute workout, don’t beat yourself up.  

    4. Your Diet 

             I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you can’t lose weight from exercise alone. I know it’s already tough enough to go to the gym and push yourself through a workout but you won’t make it very far unless you change your diet as well. If you’re still eating fast food or opening a bag of chips the second you get home than it’s time for a change. One thing that really helps to implement healthy eating choices is to plan ahead! If you know you’re the type of person to go for whatever is easiest or fastest when you get home after a long day than make your meals the night before. If you have no idea where to start with healthy eating, try Pinterest or a meal subscription box. You CAN make a change in your diet, you just have to be willing to try.

5.  You’re Not Making It a Lifestyle

      Being healthy shouldn’t stop once you reach your weight loss goal! So many of us are guilty of falling for a fad diet or being really disciplined until we reach our goals and then falling right back into our old routines. This will create an endless cycle of losing and gaining weight and will wreak havoc on your metabolism. Instead try to find workouts you actually enjoy, whether it’s a class you and take with a friend or a routine you enjoy by yourself. Try your best to eat healthily but realize that things are okay in moderation. It is unrealistic to think that you will never have sweets or pizza again, indulging every once in a while won’t hurt if your eating habits are otherwise healthy. 

If you’re doing everything right and can honestly say that none of these apply to you, don’t get discouraged.

      It is not uncommon to see people lose inches even though the number on the scale hasn’t changed. You can use a measuring tape to measure yourself and see if the inches start to drop. If you don’t feel confident that you will measure yourself correctly, go to a tailor! Most of them will measure you for free and you can revisit in a few weeks. If you were losing weight but suddenly stopped then you may have hit a plateau. Try switching up your workout and don’t give up, plateaus are annoying but they won’t last forever.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

How to Deal with Your Anger Based Off the F.R.I.E.N.D.S Character You Relate to Most

If You’re Most Like Rachel:

Go shopping! Regardless of what is making you so angry, I’m sure it’s nothing a little retail therapy can’t fix. If you’re anything like Rachel, you probably don’t need an excuse to spend more money but if you did need one this is it! Head off to Bloomingdale’s and buy your perfect revenge outfit.

If You’re Most Like Joey:

Order the Joey special, two pizzas! I don’t want to promote emotional eating or anything but sometimes the only thing to make you feel better is your favorite meal. So, go ahead and make your cheat day a few days early and indulge.

If You’re Most Like Monica:

I feel like this one is super obvious but break out the supplies and get cleaning! Like Monica, you know that your house will never be cleaner than when you clean angry. I can tell you firsthand that you not only clean faster but also more efficiently when someone or something has royally pissed you off.

If You’re Most Like Ross:

Seek therapy… Like Ross, your feelings of rage are so strong that it is probably best that you seek the help of a professional. Whether someone ate your sandwich or you're getting a divorce go ahead and google therapists in your area and maybe pop a Xanax.

If You’re Most Like Phoebe:

Channel your inner creative side! Write your feelings out in a song or a poem and share it with the world or even just your local coffee shop. If writing isn’t your strong suit get to work on making some sock bunnies!

If You’re Most Like Chandler:

monty williams GIF

Being funny and awkward is kind of your thing so make light of your situation by turning it into a joke to tell your friends. Nothing makes you feel better than making people laugh, even if it’s at your own expense. But if all else fails you can always grab your toy boat and take a bubble bath. (only true fans will get that reference)