Sunday, October 6, 2019

How to Deal with Your Anger Based Off the F.R.I.E.N.D.S Character You Relate to Most

If You’re Most Like Rachel:

Go shopping! Regardless of what is making you so angry, I’m sure it’s nothing a little retail therapy can’t fix. If you’re anything like Rachel, you probably don’t need an excuse to spend more money but if you did need one this is it! Head off to Bloomingdale’s and buy your perfect revenge outfit.

If You’re Most Like Joey:

Order the Joey special, two pizzas! I don’t want to promote emotional eating or anything but sometimes the only thing to make you feel better is your favorite meal. So, go ahead and make your cheat day a few days early and indulge.

If You’re Most Like Monica:

I feel like this one is super obvious but break out the supplies and get cleaning! Like Monica, you know that your house will never be cleaner than when you clean angry. I can tell you firsthand that you not only clean faster but also more efficiently when someone or something has royally pissed you off.

If You’re Most Like Ross:

Seek therapy… Like Ross, your feelings of rage are so strong that it is probably best that you seek the help of a professional. Whether someone ate your sandwich or you're getting a divorce go ahead and google therapists in your area and maybe pop a Xanax.

If You’re Most Like Phoebe:

Channel your inner creative side! Write your feelings out in a song or a poem and share it with the world or even just your local coffee shop. If writing isn’t your strong suit get to work on making some sock bunnies!

If You’re Most Like Chandler:

monty williams GIF

Being funny and awkward is kind of your thing so make light of your situation by turning it into a joke to tell your friends. Nothing makes you feel better than making people laugh, even if it’s at your own expense. But if all else fails you can always grab your toy boat and take a bubble bath. (only true fans will get that reference)

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