Saturday, October 5, 2019

What Your First Day of Class Outfit Said About You

The Gym Shorts and Baggy Tee:  

Okay so let me just start by saying that while we all wish we looked as casual cute as the model shown above, most of us just look like we rolled out of bed when we rock this one. All opinions aside If you’re wearing this on your first day of class your personality is most likely just as casual as you look! You’re breezy and probably one of the girls around campus I envy for getting away with wearing no makeup and still looking presentable. Although you probably weren’t super thrilled about classes starting back up… hence the bum chic look.

The Mom Jean Look:

Whether they’re ripped, baggy, or fitted congrats! You’re SO in style right now! These jeans show that while yes you care about keeping up with current fashion trends you’re also not a try-hard. You’re totally pulling off this edgy 90’s look and you know it. You’re probably studying a creative major like art or communication (yes communication is also for creatives). This outfit makes onlookers wish they could be as effortlessly cool as you. Kudos to you if you also paired these with a pair of retro glasses or Steve Madden boots.

Business Casual: 

You’re taking college very very seriously. You probably take perfect notes, have a super organized planner(and life), and were probably first in line at the career fair. We may not always admit it but everyone on campus wishes they were more like you. Don’t forget us after graduation when you’re incredibly rich and successful and the rest of us are begging for jobs and sleeping on our parent's couch.

School Spirit Vibes: 

You’re like really freakin excited about going to college. More importantly, you’re really freakin excited about WHERE you’re going to college. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say you’re a freshman. All kidding aside it’s great that you love your school! After all, you are paying an arm and leg to go there. You probably read your class syllabus front to back at least three times and are overly prepared for literally every class. But hey… It’s better to be over-prepared than underprepared. Also please get back to us after your first semester and you’ve considered burning your school spirit tee and dropping out.

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