Saturday, October 19, 2019

Five Reasons You're Not Losing Weight

 1.  You’re Drinking Too Much Alcohol

            I know this one is a hard pill to swallow because we all love to have our fun but if you’re going out every weekend for drinks it could be sabotaging your fitness goals. This was the hardest habit for me to quit in order to achieve the results I wanted. During my freshman and sophomore year of college, I was somewhat of a party animal, and even though I worked out and ate healthy meals I was gaining weight! Looking back the reasons for this should have been kind of obvious but I really didn’t understand why this was happening until I stopped drinking and started seeing results like never before. Now I’m not saying that you can never drink again because that honestly sounds horrific, but I am saying to cut back. Try to limit the number of times you go out a week and when you do go out trade your usual sugary mixed drink for a vodka and water with lemon. It tastes better than it sounds, I promise. This drink is on the stronger side, meaning you will probably order fewer rounds than usual. Your wallet and waistline will be incredibly thankful.  

 2.  You’re Eating the Right Things but Your Serving Size Is All Wrong

     If you’re crushing your workouts and eating healthy but you still don’t see a change than you could be eating portions that are too big. Learning to read serving sizes and stick to them can make all the difference for weight loss. It’s very easy to think that because what you are eating is healthy you can have a little more but even the healthiest foods should be measured out to avoid overeating.

3.  You’re Not Giving It Your All In Your Workouts
            We’ve all been guilty of spending more time at the gym talking to our friends or taking mirror selfies but If this is a constant habit of yours its time to quit! The same thing goes for limiting your workouts to 20 minutes or less. I know working out can be grueling at times but focus on how good you will feel once you're done. Nothing will beat the feeling of accomplishing your goals, and then you can take all the mirror selfies you want to show off your results. That being said, if your feeling under the weather or having a really off day but you still got in a 20-minute workout, don’t beat yourself up.  

    4. Your Diet 

             I hate to be the bearer of bad news but you can’t lose weight from exercise alone. I know it’s already tough enough to go to the gym and push yourself through a workout but you won’t make it very far unless you change your diet as well. If you’re still eating fast food or opening a bag of chips the second you get home than it’s time for a change. One thing that really helps to implement healthy eating choices is to plan ahead! If you know you’re the type of person to go for whatever is easiest or fastest when you get home after a long day than make your meals the night before. If you have no idea where to start with healthy eating, try Pinterest or a meal subscription box. You CAN make a change in your diet, you just have to be willing to try.

5.  You’re Not Making It a Lifestyle

      Being healthy shouldn’t stop once you reach your weight loss goal! So many of us are guilty of falling for a fad diet or being really disciplined until we reach our goals and then falling right back into our old routines. This will create an endless cycle of losing and gaining weight and will wreak havoc on your metabolism. Instead try to find workouts you actually enjoy, whether it’s a class you and take with a friend or a routine you enjoy by yourself. Try your best to eat healthily but realize that things are okay in moderation. It is unrealistic to think that you will never have sweets or pizza again, indulging every once in a while won’t hurt if your eating habits are otherwise healthy. 

If you’re doing everything right and can honestly say that none of these apply to you, don’t get discouraged.

      It is not uncommon to see people lose inches even though the number on the scale hasn’t changed. You can use a measuring tape to measure yourself and see if the inches start to drop. If you don’t feel confident that you will measure yourself correctly, go to a tailor! Most of them will measure you for free and you can revisit in a few weeks. If you were losing weight but suddenly stopped then you may have hit a plateau. Try switching up your workout and don’t give up, plateaus are annoying but they won’t last forever.

Sunday, October 6, 2019

How to Deal with Your Anger Based Off the F.R.I.E.N.D.S Character You Relate to Most

If You’re Most Like Rachel:

Go shopping! Regardless of what is making you so angry, I’m sure it’s nothing a little retail therapy can’t fix. If you’re anything like Rachel, you probably don’t need an excuse to spend more money but if you did need one this is it! Head off to Bloomingdale’s and buy your perfect revenge outfit.

If You’re Most Like Joey:

Order the Joey special, two pizzas! I don’t want to promote emotional eating or anything but sometimes the only thing to make you feel better is your favorite meal. So, go ahead and make your cheat day a few days early and indulge.

If You’re Most Like Monica:

I feel like this one is super obvious but break out the supplies and get cleaning! Like Monica, you know that your house will never be cleaner than when you clean angry. I can tell you firsthand that you not only clean faster but also more efficiently when someone or something has royally pissed you off.

If You’re Most Like Ross:

Seek therapy… Like Ross, your feelings of rage are so strong that it is probably best that you seek the help of a professional. Whether someone ate your sandwich or you're getting a divorce go ahead and google therapists in your area and maybe pop a Xanax.

If You’re Most Like Phoebe:

Channel your inner creative side! Write your feelings out in a song or a poem and share it with the world or even just your local coffee shop. If writing isn’t your strong suit get to work on making some sock bunnies!

If You’re Most Like Chandler:

monty williams GIF

Being funny and awkward is kind of your thing so make light of your situation by turning it into a joke to tell your friends. Nothing makes you feel better than making people laugh, even if it’s at your own expense. But if all else fails you can always grab your toy boat and take a bubble bath. (only true fans will get that reference)

Saturday, October 5, 2019

What Your First Day of Class Outfit Said About You

The Gym Shorts and Baggy Tee:  

Okay so let me just start by saying that while we all wish we looked as casual cute as the model shown above, most of us just look like we rolled out of bed when we rock this one. All opinions aside If you’re wearing this on your first day of class your personality is most likely just as casual as you look! You’re breezy and probably one of the girls around campus I envy for getting away with wearing no makeup and still looking presentable. Although you probably weren’t super thrilled about classes starting back up… hence the bum chic look.

The Mom Jean Look:

Whether they’re ripped, baggy, or fitted congrats! You’re SO in style right now! These jeans show that while yes you care about keeping up with current fashion trends you’re also not a try-hard. You’re totally pulling off this edgy 90’s look and you know it. You’re probably studying a creative major like art or communication (yes communication is also for creatives). This outfit makes onlookers wish they could be as effortlessly cool as you. Kudos to you if you also paired these with a pair of retro glasses or Steve Madden boots.

Business Casual: 

You’re taking college very very seriously. You probably take perfect notes, have a super organized planner(and life), and were probably first in line at the career fair. We may not always admit it but everyone on campus wishes they were more like you. Don’t forget us after graduation when you’re incredibly rich and successful and the rest of us are begging for jobs and sleeping on our parent's couch.

School Spirit Vibes: 

You’re like really freakin excited about going to college. More importantly, you’re really freakin excited about WHERE you’re going to college. I’m going to go out on a limb here and say you’re a freshman. All kidding aside it’s great that you love your school! After all, you are paying an arm and leg to go there. You probably read your class syllabus front to back at least three times and are overly prepared for literally every class. But hey… It’s better to be over-prepared than underprepared. Also please get back to us after your first semester and you’ve considered burning your school spirit tee and dropping out.